Below are the first two pages of the original Cannock Advertiser from June 1878. The original concept rings true then as today.
“Our new venture -the Cannock Advertiser which we hope is not fully fledged is “on the wing” today for the first time. Bringing out a paper such as this, is at all times is an expensive and precarious undertaking; but when it is started in a small town where its stable trade is in such an exceptionally bad state – which is unfortunate, the case here at the present time it is essentially necessary to have the co-operation of all in every possible way.
The paper has been started ,we do not hesitate to say, with a three fold object. namely to benefit ourselves, the inhabitants and the district; and it is a known fact that a town reaps advantages, either directly or indirectly, if it can support a newspaper through which to plead its many and varied claims, wants, and desires for their is nothing like publicity and agitation, which is varied by the opinions and experiences of Members of Parliament, who is their constituents desire anything pass through St Stephen’s their unhesitating advice and to answer is “agitate;” and what is their to be compared to newspaper agitation?
We have resolved that in all matters, whether religious creeds or political opinions, to take our stand in the arena of strict neutrality and to give full scope to all, without the slightest partiality, though at the time we cannot expect to please all, as experience has un-mistakenly proved that to attempt to do this would be folly; therefore with this fact on our minds we intend following a straight forward course, and through it we will reach a certain goal, heading, nothing but the accomplishment of our task without fear or favour; and whilst; and whilst it will ever be a source of pleasure if we can in anyway bestow a crown of praise upon the head of any deserving individual, we shall not shrink back from ensuring where and upon whom censure is merited.”
The Cannock Advertiser Saturday June 15th 1878